Beyond ordinary mental coaching
The mind is the determining factor for world-class athletes
You wouldn’t waste your time practicing like you do
—Lao Tzu
My mindSET manifesto
– Marcus Aurelius
If you are really serious about changing your results, I advise you
to read my Mindset Manifesto.
3 main points I share…!
1. How I can help you become No1 (meaning your very best)
2. The significant benefits of correctly learning to use your mind
3. The effort it will take on your part (but trust me it’ll be worth it)
Understanding the incredible potential we have within our own mind and subsequently the unlimited possibilities available to us. The challenge If we choose to accept is to learn to use our minds far more effectively.
Part 1 - Your Talent
Over two decades of study, everything I’ve researched, every great teacher and philosopher I’ve investigated and surprising to most, many of the greatest athletes of all time, all agreed on this one thing.
The difference between the “also rans and the very best”, the thing that separated them, you might call it “The Definitive Factor” or “The Largest Influencer on Performance” was the ability to use the mind effectively.
Part 2- Power of the mind
Most people I meet talk as if they know these facts about the mind, when in reality very few actually do. Your actions must align with whatever knowledge you claim to possess.
You are here for a reason and right now you have an opportunity, not only can you make a choice to be different, but you know more than anyone else that if you are going to reach the very top, you need to be different.
The mind has and will always be your most important tool. In truth it’s a thousand times more important than any of the other factors. It’s no coincidence that the greatest minds and some of the modern day great champions, often sound very similar, when discussing the main reasons for their success.
Part 3 - How to change
I’m going to share some of those Ideas, practices and discoveries with you, across the pages of this website.
But don’t be mistaken, this is not about inspiration, or motivation, It’s not even about confidence. When you begin to truly understand your own mind, most of that unnecessary noise begins to fall away. It’s less about what you can add and more about what we are able to take away.
Do I have all the answers? Absolutely not. But for the last two decades I have worked to learn the most important lessons and principles about how to understand the mind and when it comes to sports, I’ve discovered some of the most effective ways, an athlete should train their mind.
Part 4 - Mind Junkfood
Inspiration, Motivation and confidence are all the food of a busy mind, you might call it “junkfood”. A truly free mind, is removed from all of these unnecessary distractions. Silence, Stillness & Space, replace the “junkfood” of Inspiration, Motivation and Confidence.
When it comes to our diet, most of us realize that we want to eat the best food possible, which is why we choose organic produce and the cleanest water we can find. A similar comparison can be drawn to our own minds.
I’ll help you get rid of the junk food thoughts and instead we will learn the benefits of a truly organic mind, centered in silence, stillness and space, free from “Negative thinking”. The most insightful people described it as having a “Free mind” where “one” is not to caught up in a world of thoughts & memories, constantly lost in habitual feelings and emotions, bouncing from one problem to another.
Part 5 - A free Mind
True power over the mind or another way of saying it, is TRUE AUTHORITY over the mind, releases you from these debilitating mind patterns that “Massively effect your performance” and instead begins to open you up to a new level of calmness, patience & unwavering belief in yourself.
As crazy as it sounds most athletes & people for that matter, don’t understand that the mind operates best when it is free from thoughts & It simply left to execute.
This is the ultimate psychological freedom. But don’t be mistaken, this state of mind is not reserved for a Tibetan monk or for a seasoned Yogi.
You can possess this level of mental freedom, but it comes with a price and the question always remains the same.
Are you willing to do the mental work required?
Part 6 - Pay the Price
You have to pay the price, which in the most simplistic terms, that I can explain. It means, you must study yourself. You must become interested in your own mind.
You must learn self-awareness and develop the ability to observe yourself especially in difficult & stressful environments, when the stakes are high.
Sport is the most incredible training ground for the mind if you learn to use it properly. You can accelerate your learning and multiply your discoveries if you learn to use all of your experiences both good and bad to uncover even more knowledge about how to use this wonderful tool (meaning the mind) that very few of us ever actually take the time to correctly learn how to use.
Final part 7 – at a World-Class Level its 99.9% mental
The difference between a guy inside the top 25 and outside the top 500 is, as Jack Nicklaus say’s, “It’s 99.9% mindset”.
- I’m not denying that you need talent
- I’m not denying that you need an incredible work ethic
- I’m not denying you need to have incredible physical skills
- I’m not denying you need to spend thousands of hours honing your craft
However the truth is, there is not a player in the top 500 in the world ranking, that doesn’t possess all of these qualities.
Dive into these ideas, stay open to new possibilities, feel free to question everything I share with you and if you begin to embrace even 5% of this to start with, I can guarantee you one big thing.
You can begin to say goodbye to unconscious negative thinking, feelings and emotions, because negative thinking cannot survive in a mind that lives in awareness and is constantly being investigated and understood.
Remember I’m here to help you every step of the way. – Dave
How well Do you actually know your OWN mind?
Discover the answer
YOUR mental toughness



“There is nothing more important to true growth, than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.”
”If you can change your mind, you can change your life” – WILLIAM JAMES
“The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look”
~Julius Caesar 75 BC
learn to remove whats blocking your potential
Eliminate negative thinking altogether
You might not think that it is possible to remove negative thinking altogether, I understand that! However once you learn these new practices you’ll have a completely new awareness of your mind and how it operates. This is vital if you are ever going to change the way you think.
By understanding what creates negative thinking in the first place, you will have new insights into how for so long it has been possible for these thought patterns to easily take over your entire mind.
Real learning is unlearning and you’ll discover that using your mind correctly is the “ultimate path of negation”, as you begin to let go of the useless thoughts and feelings that have owned your mind for so long.
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
~ Aristotle
Solving your biggest problems
A new mindset & mentality
Building strength from the inside out
Unlocking your superpower
No more negativity
Slide left blank for your new start
In the words of Davis Love III
“I think the best golf tip I ever got was from my father to seek out a sports psychologist. My dad added to my instruction by making sure I understood the mental side of game.”
The mind is the determining factor for world-class athletes
― Jiddu Krishnamurti
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